Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Spring is getting close.......

          Sorry everyone I don't have any fun exciting pictures for this round of talk.  The positive is that Feburary is coming to an end, but the negative is that cold weather has come back into the region.  The last week of Feburary, this always happens.  We get a good warm stretch and I feel like the season is about to begin, then BOOM! Cold again....
          In the past few weeks we have accomplished quite a bit here at the OCGC.  I finally have my second hand man back, Abel.  We have been cutting down ornamental grasses, picking up limbs, and redistributing sand in bunkers.  The big thing was getting the greens rolled and mowed for the first time this year.  The greens have had a freeze layer for the majority of the winter and I have not been able to do anything with them.  Every 2 days I go out with a probe and check to see if this layer has thawed or is still in place.  Every chance we get we at least roll the greens, but if I get a good warm stretch I will choose to mow.  Just helps makes the golfers happy. 
          Finally, the fairways have all been sprayed with Glystar Pro and Prodiamine.  The Glystar is a non selective herbicide that will kill anything green.  It is safe to use on bermuda fairways when dormant and even in your home lawns(if it is bermuda grass).  What this does is clean up any weeds that may be present, in our case it is mainy Poa, volunteer ryegrass, and clover.  The Prodiamine is applied as a preemergent for crabgrass.  This past year we had a drought in our area, as did much of the state.  The effect this had on our fairways was very noticable this past winter.  We have quite a few weak areas where Poa annua is present, which leads me to believe I need to improve irrigation and nutrition in these areas to help the bermuda out in the summer months.  Poa annua will thrive where the dominate species of turf is weak, this is why it is important for me to have a good water and nutrition program in place on fairways and greens.
          Some important dates I have upcoming for the course are as follows:
--March 11, target date for irrigation start up
--March 18, aerification of greens

          Also on a quick note, we have new membership options avaliable here at the OCGC.  Call the Pro Shop to inquire 812-738-2277

Have a good day!